In here, you will find information about the key functionality of Culmas
- Getting Started with Culmas
- Collections and Templates
- Class responsible (Educational Director Guide)
- Teacher in TMS
- Staff Scheduling
- Show Creation
- Class Creation
- Email automation and journeys
- How to use Substitute teachers in Culmas
- How a students signs up to a waitlist on a sold out product
- How to enable Waitlist functionality to your products
- Moving student to different product
- Access Culmas from you phone's web-application
- TEACHERS: Taking attendance and notes
- Product Injector - Embed Culmas products on your own website
- Embed Culmas products on your own website
- Refunds, partial refunds, custom refunds and how to refund individual tickets
- Teacher attendance and notes
- Student Attendance
- Tickets
- Ticket Check-In
- Discount Codes