This article will guide you through the creation and use of Discount Codes in the Culmas TMS.
Now, the "Discount Codes" page in the TMS is exactly what it sounds like; a place for you to create, publish and keep track of the discount codes you have in your theatre.
NB: This also means that this page only encompasses discount codes and not yet vouchers or giftcards, although we will be looking into these down the line.
Throughout this article we will guide you through the following steps:
1. Overview of Discount Codes
The first thing you see, when going to the "Discount Codes" page is a list of the existing discount codes in the theatre, their set restrictions and status. This is to give you the best possible overview of the discount codes your theatre has created - including the expired codes.
Here you can get an overview of expiration date, active codes and their amount of usage.
From this page, you can either choose to create a new discount code or edit an existing one, by clicking the name of the code in the table.
2. Creation of Discount Codes
When clicking "Create Discount Code", you have the option creating a discount code with either a randomly generated name made up of 8 letters and numbers, or choosing your own name. This can always be changed later on.
When satisfied with your code name, click create and you are redirected to the "Edit Discount Code" page.
On the "Edit Discount Code" page, there are several parameters to customize the discount code for your theatre's needs.
Discount Value
First of all, the discount code needs to have a value; either a flat amount or a percentage. E.g. 10% off a purchase or 5$ dollars off.
Choose your preferred value type and type in the amount.
To Be Discounted
Next up, is choosing which products the discount code can be applied to. Here you can either choose between all products in the theatre or a specific amount of either single products, all products aligned under a template or a type of product.
To avoid abuse, the discount code must be restricted.
You can choose to restrict with a max usage of the discount code. Maybe maximum 50 uses for a early bird special or if you plan to send the discount code by way of a voucher for a customer, you can restrict the usage to maximum 1.
If the usage restriction is set to 0, the code will have unlimited usages.
Another way to restrict usage, is by setting an expiration date. If the date is not set, the discount code will be active to use indefinitely.
By setting a date and time for the expiration, the code will be deactivated as soon as the date and time is reached.
This can be used for e.g. creating an early bird special or other types of time-restricted offers.
3. Communication & Use of Discount Codes
Lastly, when you have saved and exited your newly created discount code, it’s time to use it!
The way you choose to communicate your discount codes is of course up to you and your theatre, just remember that you probably have set a restriction for amount of usage when creating it and that should agree with the amount of people you communicate the code to. E.g. setting a restriction of 3 uses and then communicating it to 30 people, is probably not the best idea. But you do you!
In terms of your customers applying the discount code to their purchase, we’ve also kept things simple!
When the customer has added the product to their cart, they simply need to go to checkout and type in their discount code and click Apply. If the discount code has expired, is non-applicable or there are no more uses, we will let them know the code is invalid.
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