This article will cover how you create Shows. While most of the elements are relatively self-explanatory, we will attempt to give a fairly detailed overview of how everything actually works. For a simpler guide to getting started, refer to this article.
About Shows
In Culmas, there are fundamental differences between how Shows and Classes are handled. Some of this can be seen in the creation process, but often it is a more fluid integration with the system. Shows and Classes are displayed differently on the Storefront, where Shows are viewed in a list with more information.
There are also differences in how we handle Shows and Classes inside the TMS after the product has been created. Currently, you can check people in for shows by navigating to the Dashboard if the Show is today, but you can also check out the feature by going to any published Show with tickets sold and clicking "Ticket Check In". You can read more about this feature in this article.
Creating a Show
To create a show, navigate to "Products", and click on Create Product. Enter the name of your show, and click "Create".
At the top of the "Create Product" page, you will see the name of the product, followed by a date and a time. These are placeholders, and will be updated when you input the correct date and time. Because Shows can often have similar names, such as with weekly Shows, date and time can become important distinguishing features that you can use later on to get to the specific Show you are looking for.
Next, you have the option to "Load product info from template". The Templates are a great tool, that can be used to create multiple similar products very quickly. You can read about Collections and Templates here. Notice, that when you load product information from a Template, your Product Title changes to match the name of the Template. This is optional, but can be useful for mass Show creation.
Select Show in the following section to let our system know, that you are creating a Show rather than a Class.
In the next section, you can either choose an existing Venue, or create a new one. The Venue is displayed several places, either with the name or with both name and address. Namely, your customers can find the Venue on the page where they purchase your Show, and on their Tickets. Creating a Venue on this page provides less options than doing it in the dedicated Venue section, so make sure to go and check out Venues afterwards. You can read more about Venues here.
In the scheduling component you simply choose a start time and end time, along with a start date. This is fairly straight forward.
You can find a detailed walkthrough of our Tickets system here.
The tax field currently has no impact, but in the future it will function as follows:
Depending on where you are, you might want to add taxes on top of the listed price. To do so, input an added tax in the input field, and it will be added on top. If tax is included in your listed price, leave this field at 0%.
All there's left of the Show creation process is adding an image and a description. Both of these will be displayed on the Storefront, on Showslist and on the individual Show's page. You can use an array of different images, all the way from PNGs or JPGs, to GIFs. The description field is a Rich Text Field, meaning you can insert images there as well, along with lists and basic formatting.
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