This article will guide you through the creation of classes in the TMS and how that impacts the products on your Storefront. If you just need a quick guide of how to create a class, please refer to our Getting Started article.
About Classes
First and foremost, it is important that you have a basic understanding of our Collections and Template structure in the TMS, before you move on to creating classes. Read all about it in this article. (LINK) This gives you a walkthrough of how the structure in the TMS impacts the structure on the Storefront.
Let’s get to it. As mentioned in our walkthrough of Shows, there are some noticeable differences in how we handle Shows and Classes. The Classes are shown on the storefront with a visible structure of collections and templates functioning as headings on the Classes page.
Creating a Class
To create a class, navigate to “Products”, and click on Create Product. Type in the name of your class (this can always be changed later) and click “Create”.
At the top of the "Create Product" page, you will see the name of the product, followed by a date and a time. These are placeholders, and will be updated when you input the correct date and time.
Because Classes often are recurring and have similar names, the date and time of the class, can become important information when distinguishing between similar classes.
Next up is aligning the product with a template. The use of templates can really ease your process of adding many classes in a short amount of time. If you are creating an instance of a regular class you’ve created before and have a template for, simply align with the template and schedule the date and time for the class. This makes sense for recurring regular classes such as Level 1, 2, 3, etc.
Be aware that the product title, written when creating the product, will be overwritten by the title of the template.
If you are creating a one-off class, you can also just create the class without aligning with a template. This can be done for specific one-time workshops etc.
Select “Class” in the following “Category” section, to let our system know that you are creating a Class and not a Show.
In the following section, the venue for the Class is either created or chosen from existing ones. The Venue is displayed several places, either with the name or with both name and address. Namely, your customers can find the Venue on the page where they purchase the Class, and on their Tickets. Creating a Venue on this page provides less options than doing it in the dedicated Venue section, so make sure to go and check out Venues afterwards. You can read more about Venues here.
Next up is the scheduling of the class and its repeating events. Start by choosing a start time and end time for the event. This timeframe will be the same for all events of the class. Then choose a date - this date will be the first day of the class.
If there are several events in this class, check the “Repeating” box. Here you have several options of customizing the type of repetition you want; either daily or weekly. Then choose the frequency of the repetition e.g. Every 3 days, bi-weekly or every day.
Lastly, choose the amount of repetitions the class should go on for.
Always remember to “Confirm Product Change” when scheduling or rescheduling an event, to update the events, before publishing.
Next up is adding amount of tickets, ticket prices and ticket types. This part is pretty self-explanatory, but if you want to read a more comprehensive guide, please refer to our Tickets article.
The tax field currently has no impact, but in the future it will function as follows: Depending on where you are, you might want to add taxes on top of the listed price. To do so, input an added tax in the input field, and it will be added on top. If tax is included in your listed price, leave this field at 0%.
Last step in the Class creation process is adding an image and a description. Both of these will be displayed on the Storefront, on the Classes list and on the individual Class’s page. You can use an array of different images, all the way from PNGs or JPGs, to GIFs. The description field is a Rich Text Field, meaning you can insert images there as well, along with lists and basic formatting.
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