This article concerns the concept of Attendance in the Culmas TMS and how to take attendance for a class. The article will go through the following steps:
1. What is Attendance?
The Attendance feature in the TMS is meant for teachers and admins. The Attendance feature is based on the the traditional attendance taken on paper rosters, to keep track of which students are present in what classes.
The attendance sheet in the Culmas TMS is made up of the registrations/class tickets sold through the online storefront. This means that the name and email of the customer, will figure on the attendance sheet.
ATT: If the customer has purchased more than one ticket for a class, e.g. the two participants will figure as two of the same name. If John Doe purchased 2 registrations for the same class, they will figure on the attendance sheet on “John Doe 1/2” and “John Doe 2/2”. This will change with the addition of the student registration feature in the near future.
2. Accessing the Attendance Sheet
The attendance sheet can be accessed several places in the TMS. The ways in which the attendance sheet is accessed, is ultimately dependent on the user’s role in the TMS and if they have been scheduled to the class in question.
If you’re an admin, you will have access to all classes and shows, regardless if you have been scheduled or not.
If you’re a teacher in the TMS, you will only have access to the classes you have been scheduled for.
There are two ways to access the attendance sheet.
First, you can access it from dashboard under “Your Actions”. Expand the card of the specific class event and the attendance sheet for the day will show.
Note, “Your Actions” only showcases the attendance to be taken for that specific day.
If you want to access past, future or previously filled out attendance sheets, you will need to do so on the Event Page. The event page can be accessed from the product page or from “Your Events” on the dashboard.
3. Taking Attendance
We have built the feature of taking attendance directly through the dashboard, for the teacher to access the attendance sheet as easy as possible. The intended use, is for the teacher to start the class by taking attendance on the dashboard and confirming the input. If there are any edits to be made, it can be done after the class on the Event Page.
Attendance is taken by checking off the checkboxes by the names of any students present and clicking confirm when done. The list on the dashboard autosaves and disappears from the dashboard, when the user is done with taking the attendance and has clicked "confirm".
The list on the Event Page does not autosave and has to be actively updated, when making changes.
If the attendance is not taken on the day, the option to do so will stay on the dashboard until it has been filled out and confirmed.
4. Revisiting Attendance
For the admin to keep track of students presence and how a specific class is doing, they can either go into every event page and look at the attendance taken, or download an attendance report (.csv file) from the product page, that showcases all attendance taken in the run of a class.
Under “Your Events” attendance reports for the previous class and absent students will be displayed under the upcoming classes: e.g. Attendance percentage and absent students for Class 4/8 will be shown under Class 5/8. This has been added to help the teacher in facilitating the class and for the admin to continuously keep track of attendance.
ATT: Another reason for the attendance feature being very central to the system, is the fact that we are already storing the attendance data for future use. This means that the attendance taken now, will count towards retention rates and level of completion to be showcased in the system later on in a sales analytics feature.
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